Mentoring/Coaching program

Our Services

Mentoring/Coaching program

The ScopeAbility Mentoring Program provides support that includes mentoring, peer support, and individual skills development. Our team recognizes the importance of these services and works with the participant, stakeholders, and healthcare professionals to design and develop relevant activities that enhance the participant’s capacity. Our mentors are skilled in coaching and helping the participant improve their independent living skills, such as household tasks, tenancy maintenance, social skills, and emotional regulation. The program is centred around the participant’s aspirations, interests, and goals and encourages them to take ownership of their actions by breaking down their objectives into manageable tasks. ScopeAbility closely monitors the program’s progress and continuously strives to find new and improved ways to help participants achieve their goals.

This program can be accessed using funding for increased social and community participation.


Our team can come to you to discuss your needs and how we can best support you to achieve your goals. Contact us today to arrange an appointment.